The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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518 lines
2000 episphales {ep-ee-sfal-ace'}
from a compound of 1909 and sphallo (to trip);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - dangerous (1)
1) prone to fall
2001 epischo {ep-is-khoo'-o}
from 1909 and 2480; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - be more fierce (1)
1) to give additional strength; to make stronger
2) to receive greater strength, grow stronger
2002 episoreuo {ep-ee-so-ryoo'-o}
from 1909 and 4987; TDNT - 7:1094,1150; vb
AV - heap (1)
1) to heap up, accumulate in piles
2003 epitage {ep-ee-tag-ay'}
from 2004; TDNT - 8:27,1156; n f
AV - commandment (6)
- authority (1) [7]
1) an injunction, mandate, command
2004 epitasso {ep-ee-tas'-so}
from 1909 and 5021; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - command (8)
- charge (1)
- enjoin (1) [10]
1) to enjoin upon, order, command, charge
2005 epiteleo {ep-ee-tel-eh'-o}
from 1909 and 5055; TDNT - 8:49,1161; vb
AV - perform (3)
- perfect (2)
- accomplish (2)
- finish (1)
- performance (1)
- make (1)
- do (1) [11]
1) to bring to an end, accomplish, perfect, execute, complete;
to take upon one's self, to make an end for one's self i.e to
leave off
2) to appoint to, impose upon
2006 epitedeios {ep-ee-tay'-di-os}
from epitedes (enough); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - things which are needful (1)
1) fit, suitable, convenient, advantageous
2) needful, especially of the necessities of life
2007 epitithemi {ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee}
from 1909 and 5087; TDNT - 8:152,1176; vb
AV - lay on (10)
- lay (7)
- put (6)
- lay upon (4)
- put on (3)
- put upon (2)
- set (2)
- not translated (1)
- misc (7) [42]
1a) to put or lay upon
1b) to add to
2a) to have put on, bid to be laid on
2b) to lay or throw one's self upon; to attack one, to make an
assault on one
2008 epitimao {ep-ee-tee-mah'-o}
from 1909 and 5091; TDNT - omitted,249; vb
AV - rebuke (24)
- charge (4)
- straightly charge (1) [29]
1) to show honour to, to honour
2) to raise the price of
3) to adjudge, award, in the sense of merited penalty
4) to tax with fault, rate, chide, rebuke, reprove, censure
severely, to admonish or charge sharply
2009 epitimia {ep-ee-tee-mee'-ah}
from a compound of 1909 and 5092; TDNT - 2:623,249; n f
AV - punishment (1)
1) punishment
2010 epitrepo {ep-ee-trep'-o}
from 1909 and the base of 5157; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - suffer (10)
- permit (4)
- give leave (2)
- give liberty (1)
- give license (1)
- let (1) [19]
1) to turn to, transfer, commit, instruct
2) to permit, allow, give leave
2011 epitrope {ep-ee-trop-ay'}
from 2010; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - commission (1)
1) permission, power, commission
2012 epitropos {ep-it'-rop-os}
from 1909 and 5158 (in the sense of 2011); TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n m
AV - steward (2)
- tutor (1) [3]
1) one to whose care or honour anything has been instructed; a
curator, a guardian
1a) a steward or manager of a household, or of lands; overseer
1b) one who has the care and tutelage of children, either
where the father is dead (a guardian of minors), or where
the father is still alive
2013 epitugchano {ep-ee-toong-khan'-o}
from 1909 and 5177; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - obtain (5)
1) to light or hit upon any person or thing
2) to attain to, obtain
2014 epiphaino {ep-ee-fah'-ee-no}
from 1909 and 5316; TDNT - 9:1,1244; vb
AV - appear (3)
- give light (1) [4]
1) to show to or upon; to bring to light
2) to appear, become visible; of stars
2a) to become clearly known, to show one's self
2015 epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah}
from 2016; TDNT - 9:1,1244; n f
AV - appearing (5)
- brightness (1) [6]
1) an appearing, appearance; often used of the glorious
manifestation of the gods, and especially of their advent to
help; in the NT the advent of Christ, -- not only that which
has already taken place and by which his presence and power
appear in the saving light he has shed upon mankind, but also
that illustrious return from heaven to earth to occur in the
2016 epiphanes {ep-if-an-ace'}
from 2014; TDNT - 9:1,1244; adj
AV - notable (1)
1) conspicuous, manifest, illustrious
2017 epiphauo {ep-ee-fow'-o}
a form of 2014; TDNT - 9:310,omitted; vb
AV - give light (1)
1) to shine upon: Christ will pour upon you the divine truth as
the sun gives light to men aroused from sleep
2018 epiphero {ep-ee-fer'-o}
from 1909 and 5342; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - bring (2)
- take (1)
- add (1)
- bring against (1) [5]
1) to bring upon, bring forward; used of accusers
2) to lay upon, to inflict
3) to bring upon, i.e. in addition, to add, increase
4) to put upon, cast upon, impose
2019 epiphoneo {ep-ee-fo-neh'-o}
from 1909 and 5455; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - cry (1)
- give a shout (1)
- cry against (1) [3]
1) to call out to, shout
2020 epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}
a form of 2017; TDNT - 9:310,1293; vb
AV - begin to dawn (1)
- draw on (1)
1) to grow light, to dawn
2021 epicheireo {ep-ee-khi-reh'-o}
from 1909 and 5495; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - take in hand (1)
- go about (1)
- take upon (1) [3]
1) to put the hand to
2) to take in hand, undertake, attempt
2022 epicheo {ep-ee-kheh'-o}
from 1909 and cheo (to pour); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - pour in (1)
1) to pour upon
2023 epichoregeo {ep-ee-khor-ayg-eh'-o}
from 1909 and 5524; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - minister (2)
- minister nourishment (1)
- add (1)
- minister unto (1) [5]
1) to supply, furnish, present; to be supplied, ministered unto,
2024 epichoregia {ep-ee-khor-ayg-ee'-ah}
from 2023; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - supply (2)
1) a supplying, supply
2025 epichrio {ep-ee-khree'-o}
from 1909 and 5548; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - anoint (1)
- anoint + 1909 (1) [2]
1) to spread on, anoint anything upon anything
2026 epoikodomeo {ep-oy-kod-om-eh'-o}
from 1909 and 3618; TDNT - 5:119,674; vb
AV - build up (3)
- build thereupon (2)
- build (2)
- build thereon (1) [8]
1) to build upon, build up, i.e. to finish the structure of
which the foundation has already been laid, to give constant
increase in Christian knowledge and in a life conformed
2027 epokello {ep-ok-el'-lo}
from 1909 and okello (to urge); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - run aground (1)
1) to drive upon, strike against, i.e. to run a ship aground
2028 eponomazo {ep-on-om-ad'-zo}
from 1909 and 3687; TDNT - 5:242,694; vb
AV - call (1)
1) to put a name upon, name; to be named
2029 epopteuo {ep-opt-yoo'-o}
from 1909 and a derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:315,706; vb
AV - behold (2)
1) to be an overseer
2) to look upon, view attentively, to watch
2030 epoptes {ep-op'-tace}
from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:315,706; n m
AV - eyewitness (1)
1) an overseer, inspector
2) spectator, eye-witness of anything; this was the name given
to those who had attained to the third, i.e the highest grade
of the Eleusinian mysteries; these were celebrated annually at
Eleusis and Athens in ancient times, in memory of the
abduction and return of Persephone and in honour of Demeter
and Bacchus.
2031 epos {ep'-os}
from 2036; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - say + 2036 (1)
1) a word
2032 epouranios {ep-oo-ran'-ee-os}
from 1909 and 3772; TDNT - 5:497,736; adj
AV - heavenly (16)
- celestial (2)
- in heaven (1)
- high (1) [20]
1) existing in heaven
1a) things that take place in heaven
1b) the heavenly regions, i.e. heaven itself, the abode of God
and angels, the lower heavens or the heavens of the clouds
1c) the heavenly temple or sanctuary
2) of heavenly origin or nature
2033 hepta {hep-tah'}
a primary number; TDNT - 2:627,249; n indecl
AV - seven (86)
- seventh (1) [87]
1) seven
2034 heptakis {hep-tak-is'}
adverb from 2033; TDNT - 2:627,249; adv
AV - seven times (4)
1) seven times
2035 heptakischilioi {hep-tak-is-khil'-ee-oy}
from 2034 and 5507; TDNT - 2:627,249; n
AV - seven thousand (1)
1) seven thousand
2036 epo {ep'-o}
a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense, the others
being borrowed from 2046, 4483, and 5346); TDNT - omitted,omitted;
AV - say (859)
- speak (57)
- tell (41)
- command (8)
- bid (5)
- misc (6) [976]
1) to speak, say
2037 Erastos {er'-as-tos}
from erao (to love); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Erastus (3)
1) Erastus meaning "beloved" was one of the attendants of St.
Paul at Ephesus, who with Timothy was sent forward into
Macedonia. Acts 19:22 (A.D. 51) He is probably the same with
Erastus who is mentioned in the salutations to Timothy. 2 Ti.
2) Erastus the chamberlain or rather the public treasurer, of
Corinth, who was one of the early converts to Christianity.
Rom. 16:23. According to the tradition of the Greek Church, he
was first treasurer to the church at Jerusalem, and afterwards
bishop of Paneas.
2038 ergazomai {er-gad'-zom-ahee}
middle voice from 2041; TDNT - 2:635,251; vb
AV - work (22)
- wrought (7)
- do (3)
- minister about (1)
- forbear working + 3361 (1)
- labour for (1)
- labour (1)
- commit (1)
- trade by (1)
- trade (1) [39]
1a) to work, labour, do work
1b) to trade, to make gains by trading, "do business"
2a) to do, work out, exercise, perform, commit, to cause to
exist, produce
2b) to work for, earn by working, to acquire
2039 ergasia {er-gas-ee'-ah}
from 2040; TDNT - 2:635,251; n f
AV - gain (3)
- craft (1)
- diligence (1)
- work (1) [6]
1) a working, performing
2) work, business
3) gain got by work, profit
4) endeavour, pains
2040 ergates {er-gat'-ace}
from 2041; TDNT - 2:635,251; n m
AV - labourer (10)
- workman (3)
- worker (3) [16]
1) a workman, a labourer; usually one who works for hire
especially an agricultural worker;
2) one who does, a worker, perpetrator
2041 ergon {er'-gon}
from a primary (but obsolete) ergo (to work); TDNT - 2:635,251; n n
AV - work (152)
- deed (22)
- doing (1)
- labour (1) [176]
1) business, employment, that which any one is occupied,
enterprise, undertaking
2) any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art,
industry, or mind
3) an act, deed, thing done
2042 erethizo {er-eth-id'-zo}
from a presumed prolonged form of 2054; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - provoke (2)
1) to stir up, excite, stimulate, to provoke
2043 ereido {er-i'-do}
of obscure affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - stick fast (1)
1) to fix, prop firmly
2044 ereugomai {er-yoog'-om-ahee}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - utter (1)
1) to spit or spew out
2) to be emptied, discharge itself, used of streams; to empty,
discharge, cast forth, used of rivers and waters
3) to pour forth words, to speak out, utter
2045 ereunao {er-yoo-nah'-o}
apparently from 2046 (through the idea of inquiry); TDNT - 2:635,255;
AV - search (6)
1) to search, examine into
2046 ereo {er-eh'-o}
probably a fuller form of 4483, an alternate for 2036 in cert.
tenses; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - say (57)
- speak (7)
- tell (4)
- speak of (2)
- call (1) [71]
1) to utter, speak, say
2047 eremia {er-ay-mee'-ah}
from 2048; TDNT - 2:657,255; n f
AV - wilderness (3)
- desert (1) [4]
1) a solitude, an uninhabited region, a waste
2048 eremos {er'-ay-mos}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 2:657,255; adj
AV - wilderness (32)
- desert (13)
- desolate (4)
- solitary (1) [50]
1) solitary, lonely, desolate, uninhabited; used of places; used
of persons: deserted by others; deprived of the aid and
protection of others, especially of friends, acquaintances,
kindred; bereft; of a flock deserted by the shepherd, of a
women neglected by her husband, from whom the husband
withholds himself
2) a desert, wilderness, deserted places, lonely regions, an
uncultivated region fit for pasturage
2049 eremoo {er-ay-mo'-o}
from 2048; TDNT - 2:657,255; vb
AV - bring to desolation (2)
- desolate (1)
- come to nought (1)
- make desolate (1) [5]
1) to make desolate, lay waste, to ruin, bring to desolation, to
despoil one, strip her of her treasures